Everyone Deserves a Second Chance
Last month, our President and CEO, Raminder Singh had the opportunity to visit Gurgaon prison in Delhi, India. Since 2005, Helm360 has worked very closely with the India Vision Foundation and Gurgaon prison providing prisoners with education and rehabilitation. A recent initiative, focusing on the principle of the 3 C’s (corrective, collective, and community), helps promote and identify talent among inmates that will help them express their feelings and rehabilitate. The idea behind the initiative is to provide freedom to prisoners to explore and express themselves through art. Convicts have created 74 paintings that will be exhibited at the art gallery of Metropolitan Hotel and then auctioned, with proceeds going to the prisoners and the prisoners’ welfare fund.
While visiting the prison, Raminder was quite glad to see how IVF is helping these people by giving them hope to change their lives – not only through art, but through literacy and life skill programs as well. He hopes that this act will be appreciated by others as well. Helm360 is would like to thank the team at India Vision Foundation for all of their efforts and for spreading messages of positivity, we are so lucky to work with such an amazing organization.